earth mother archetype

12 character archetypes

The cluster analysis findings are shown in Table 1. The cluster analysis begins with 257 variables that are gradually integrated to form a single cluster. The remaining 15 stages are shown in Table 1. The wide variety of merged clusters is shown in the left column, the number of merged clusters is shown in the second column, and the distance between the clusters is shown in the third column, semi-partial R-square. The RMSSTD column has maxima at 13, 10, and 5 clusters. Column five, PSF, does not imply any high-value plateaus that might aid in the analysis. At 11 clusters, column six, PST2, has a first obvious low point, and at 13 clusters, it has a second clear low point. The variety of clusters used should not be excessive. As a result, 10 or 11 clusters would be preferable over 13. After a more qualitative examination, the final cluster selection is made. Because clusters 10 and 11 were relatively near to each other in the cluster tree and were simpler to interpret as one cluster rather than two, the final result was ten clusters (see cluster 5 in Table 2).
The everyman identity archetype is often used as a stand-in for the audience. This character archetype is a regular individual who is forced to deal with unusual situations for whatever reason. Everyman might be the main persona or a supporting character. Unlike the hero, the everyman has no moral commitment to his or her work; instead, these individuals are often caught in the center of situations over which they have little influence. The everyman archetype, unlike the hero, isn't seeking to make a big change or work for the greater good: these people are simply trying to get through a tough circumstance.

In ancient Greek, the word "archetype" implies "original pattern."

The variables considered in each of the ten clusters are listed in Tables 2?��C11. The numbers from the questionnaire have been included. As can be seen, the clusters contain variables from multiple sections of the questionnaire.
"I'm curious if anyone ever says, 'Let's hear about Frodo and the Ring.'" (Samwise remarked.) "'Yes, that's one of my favorite stories,' they'll remark. 'Dad, didn't Frodo show great courage?' 'Yes, m'boy, the hobbit with the greatest renown.' And that's saying something.'

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define: archetype

In his theory of the human psyche, Jung introduced the idea of archetype. Within our collective psyche, he discovered 12 common legendary characters archetypes.

A dendrogram of the cluster analysis is shown in Figure 1. To begin, it exhibits two major branches that are fairly closely spaced, each with five clusters. Three clusters to the left and two to the right separate the left main branch into two independent portions. The right major branch splits much lower down, indicating that the clusters housed here are not as well divided. One cluster to the right and four clusters to the left separate the right major branch.
Everyman archetypes in literature: Dr. John Watson epitomizes the archetype of the everyman. Watson, the iconic Sherlock Holmes' sidekick, is completely pleased with his role as Holmes' right-hand man. His simplicity contrasts with Holmes's oddities, and he is expected to be on par with the reader. Arthur Dent of The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is another literary example of the everyman archetype. He's simply an ordinary person going about his job until his planet is unexpectedly rescued from extinction. Ordinary guy, incredible situation.

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archetype vs stereotype

Jung acknowledged twelve major kinds that include the whole spectrum of human motives. Every one of us has a dominating archetype that shapes our personality.

There's a reason why the majority of villains dress in black and the majority of heroes dress in white. Symbolic archetypes are archetypes that take the form of colors, details, forms, and natural phenomena. Using symbolic archetypes to build the tale a writer is seeking to convey is an effective technique to do it.
Characters that embody the innocent archetype are often ladies or kids. In every component, these persona archetypes are pure. Despite being surrounded by gloomy surroundings, the innocent archetype has not been tainted by others' depravity and wickedness. These characters aren't ignorant; they're simply so morally upright that the terrible behavior of others doesn't appear to affect them.
